100% Natural Power Pumice, Non Christal Silica Powders
DYMCO sells steel belts.
And one more thing. It is Power Pumice, 100% natural silica powders.
We are Asian Representative of Hess Pumice Products, Inc. in Idaho in the U.S. and sell their natural pumice in Japan, China and other Asian countries.
Power Pumice is used as abrasives, paint filler, filtering media, etc.
Large powders are granular, small ones are fine powders.
These are mainly composed of a kind of silica.
Environmentally friendly powders are used in many ways in our daily lives.

Environmentaly Friendly Power Pumice
Powders are porous, excellent in "breathability" and "water absorption."
So they are suitable for horticultural soil and sands for pets.
We can magine that in the future pumice may serve best for hydroponics.
Hydroponics is expected to be tough against higher temperature by global warmng.
For details of Power Pumice, please contact
overseas@dymco.co.jp or salesmgr@hesspumice.com
Inquiry Form: www.steelbelt.jp/index.php#inq
DYMCO, LTD. URL: http://www.steelbelt.jp
Steel Belt Videos:http://www.youtube.com/results?searcmh_query=dymcooverseas&sm=12