It is getting colder in Yokohama, although it was very warm in November and the early December.
The old Chinese people divided one year into 24 seasons.
December 7th was the beginning of the 24th season, very cold winter days.
But now we have air conditioners and other tools to live in comfort.
Among many conveyor types we have,
Double Steel Belt Heat and Press Conveyor ranks the 1st or the second.
This machine was fairly large, for example pulley diameter was nearly 1 meter.
But Dymco came into this market with thinner belts and compact machines.
Ours is light and no need to prepare for a big space.
Please look at the picture below. This has many functions.
Double Belt Heat Press Conveyor: Heat and Cool Type |
Functions are
(1) Automatic Tracking
(2) Automatic Management of Clearance between the 2 belts
(3) Automatic Setting of Pressure
(4) Heating Control
(5) Cooling System
(6) Control of Belt Speed, and so forth.
Functions of (4) and (5) enables Heat and Cool or Cool after Heat.
The very important thing here is that steel belts are a key.
Let's look at how the work goes through this system.
Structure of Double Steel Belt Heat Pres System |
First on the left the blue work is pre-heated.
Plastics, for example, is softened here.
It further goes into the heating area and it becomes lower and narrower.
It finally reaches the required thickness by pressing.
The work is kept heated and pressurized and goes into the cooling zone.
The work is hardened and formed as expected.
You know the word 'springback?
Material, in general, inflates and deforms when it is released from pressure after being heated.
But our system avoids springback ! and makes the expected size and shape.
We also study adequate cooling so that springin does not take place in excessive cooling.
The picture below focus on passing from the red heating section to the blue cooling section.
This is a key in forming.
Heating to Cooling in Double Steel Belt System |
This way our system is multi-functions.
Please utilize our system for your development and research.
If you have a chance to make the new system, you can choose combination of pressing blocks.
Combination 1. Heat and Cool Press, like the conventional
Combination 2. Heat and High-Heat Heavy Press
After heating follows heating with higher temperature and pressure
Combination 3. Heat and Press
Combination 4. Cool and Press, for material already heated in a kneader, for example
Enjoy lab works with Double Steel Belt Heat and Press System.