We have started Korean Blog : http://ameblo.jp/steelbeltdymco . We have a Korean speaking staff in DYMCO. If you have any inquiries on DYMCO STEEL BELTS, please contact us without any hesitation in English or Korean.
Title: DYMCO started Korean Blog
Two months have passed from the huge earthquake of 3.11. We sincerely send our sincere sympathies to everyone who has struck by this
We feel very sad every time when we see the article in a newspaper and the TV news. It cannot be without feeling powerlessness in me who cannot do anything.
In this situation, what we should do is we should do what we can do the best.
Although it is indirectly, DYMCO steel belts and stainless tubes are related to the solar battery, the lithium-ion battery, organic EL, and FPD, which is necessary indispensability of the society.
We work hard so that the customer will be satisfied with DYMCO Products and without forgetting pleasure and thank to be able to do this work.