Tuesday, July 3, 2018

System to Reproduce Metal Sleeve Pattern Transfer Mold

We are getting more orders of fine-patterned rolls.
  Roll surface is thin metal sleeve, Nickel or stainless steel.
  This surface sleeve is very thin,  0.05 to 0.3mm thick.
  This sleeve is polished first and patterns are engraved.

Three different fine patterns are engraved on a thin sleeve

Mater mold is necessary for pattern transfer in volume production.
This master is cylindrical and fine patterns on it surface.
These patterns are made mechanically, spending a very long time.
Hence this master is quite expensive.

If this master is used in volume production, we need many masters as these patterns are worn out.
But this results in huge cost when we think of a master fee only.

Dymco has developed a method to reproduce original patterns by plating, not mechanical reproduction.  This brings significant cost reduction.

Enlarged view of one fine pattern

This photo is just an example.
We are making finer patterns now.

Then how do we reproduce patterns by plating?

We make Mother Sleeve.
Mother Sleeve goes to Master Mold and covers it.
Master's patterns are transferred by plating to the inside wall of Mother.
Mother with patterns inside is removed out of Master.
We have our original unit to take out Mother from Master.

We prepare for another sleeve.  This is called Replica Mold, finally.
But here it is just plain sleeve without any patterns.
We cover Replica Mold with Mother and make plating.
Mother's inside patterns are transferred to the outside wall of Replica Sleeve.
Mother is removed from Replica, again by our original unit.
Finally we have Replica Sleeve with fine patterns of Master Mold.

This way Replica Sleeves are reproduced from Mother many times,
which makes big difference in cost, when compared with making many Masters by mechanical engraving.  
Lead time is also shortened.

Replica sleeves are press fit into the roll axis in production lines.
We also have this press-fitting technology and get an order for this process, too.

Please send your inquiries on our molds for test proposes or volume production.

DYMCO, LTD. URL: http://www.steelbelt.jp