Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Seamless cylindrical replica mold precisely duplicated from fine - shape master mold

In a field of producing UV/ heating imprint mold and various fine-pattern molds,
How the production of cylindrical master mold leads to shorten delivery time and reduce production costs is highly important issues to be considered.
Especially, industry where requires further miniaturization will have to find the solution for years to come.

We, Dymco, established precise replication technology, a mold called "seamless replica mold", to deal with the solution.

Simply explaining how the replica mold duplicates a mold, cylindrical master mold creates mother mold by electroforming its outer surface.

Then, its mother duplicates a replica by electroforming its inner surface.
Replica can be duplicated even if it requires fine-pattern shape within nano level.
The seamless replica mold effectively works for a situation that production cost is strictly limited.

It also leads to shorten your delivery-time and reduce your product costs.

Manifacturing process of a replica mold

Transferability of fine-pattern

If you have any further question, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Seamless cylindrical replica mold precisely duplicated from fine - shape master mold